Frequently asked questions

General information

Who stands behind Pharmaster?

Our team consists of experienced medical doctors, life science researchers and friendly customer support personnel who provide state-of-the-art lab services to our customers.

How can you help me?

We provide a variety of services to our customers including prospective biospecimen collection, clinical data collection, data management and analysis.

I am very interested in your services. Can you show me some references?

Yes, we have completed all our projects successfully. Check them here or you can also see the list of our scientific publications here.

How can I contact you?

We are happy to answer your questions. Do not hesitate to send an e-mail to .

Ethical approval

Can you help us with the study design?

Yes, we provide consulting services to work out the best solution for your needs.

How will you exactly help me with the ethical approval?

Our experienced team identifies the most legally appropriate process according to the research needs.

Compiling the necessary documents is a very time-consuming process. Can you help me?

Yes, after the identification of the appropriate process our engaged team assembles and submits the application documents.

What else can you do to speed up this process?

We help you with the development of HIPAA-compliant informed consent forms, collection protocols and Case Report Forms (CRF).

Why it is worth enlisting your service?

The ethical approval process is usually ambiguous and complicated. With our expertise and experience we can significantly speed up this process, so we will save you both time and cost.

Sample collection

What kind of sample collection do you offer?

We offer prospective sample collection service and access to biospecimen collections as well through our established network.

What kind of samples can you collect?

We collect human blood and blood fractions, tissue, stool, urine, saliva and buccal cells, skin tissue scrapings.

Can you collect samples from patients with a very specific disease?

Yes, our biospecimen collecting activity is not restricted to a certain disease area.

Where do the samples acquired by Pharmaster come from?

We acquire our biological samples from medical university hospitals according to the highest ethical standards.

What patient and sample information is provided?

The provided information is disease and sample specific, but includes the basic information such patient’s age, gender, and disease. For prospective collection you can define the required information.

Can you send me a catalog or a price list?

We cannot provide you a list of available tissues as we have an established network of sources each specializing in different kinds of biospecimens at different cost. In order to provide you the required samples, we identify the possible options and give you the details necessary for decision making.

Lab services

What laboratory services do you provide in addition to biospecimen collection?

The available services are DNA/RNA isolation, agarose gel electrophoresis, fluorescence-based quantification and different PCR techniques.

Can you provide oligonucleotid design?

Yes, our experienced team can do the design of gene-specific, short oligonucleotides and plasmids as well.

I need help regarding my high-throughput laboratory experiments. What can you do for me?

We are able to outsource NGS, microarray and mass spectrometry services to our international partners.

Do you provide biobanking service in addition to biological sample collection?

Yes, we are able to provide long-term storage of biological tissue, DNA and RNA samples.

I am interested in your biobanking service, but what about the clinical data?

We follow strict ethical guidelines on clinical data collection. The collected data is stored in our partner company’s very own secured database called SmartBiobank.

Clinical data collection

What kind of clinical data do you collect?

We collect information on the patient’s medical history, medication profile, physical examination results, laboratory results, images and medical imaging results, molecular diagnostic results & patient consents.

What types of datasets do you provide?

We provide 3 kinds of datasets: clinical data, sample data and follow-up data.

Are all collected information patent consented?

Yes, we follow the strictest ethical guidelines.

Data management and analysis

Can you perform data analysis?

Yes, our team is very experienced in the field of data analysis, they provide a variety of services including raw data analysis, integration of data from different sources, data mining and biostatistics etc.

What is your solution for data management?

We use a data management system called SmartBiobank.

What is SmartBiobank?

SmartBiobank is a web-based data management system designed to help clinicians, lab biologists and researchers to integrate translational research elements into one single system.

Where can I find more information on SmartBiobank?

If you are interested in Smatbiobank, please contact our team.

Who developed SmartBiobank?

AstridBio Technologies has been providing bioinformatic tools and services for biomarker discovery for six years. AstridBios first biobanking software was installed in 2008. The company has also been managing clinical sample collections since 2009.

Data security

How does SmartBiobank guarantee data security?

Our servers are housed in secure, SSAE 16 certified data centers and we use SSL on all data connections. All data is stored on mirrored disks to prevent data loss.

Is SmartBiobank compliant with regulatory requirements?

Yes. Our systems and operating procedures are compliant with regulatory and security requirements such as 21 CFR Part 11 and HIPAA.

What about patient privacy?

SmartBiobank requires users to input study data on patients in completely randomized patient/biospeciment ID codes. This ensures patient privacy; however, privacy issues are also dependent on the researcher’s study design.

Does SmartBiobank have an automated back-up system?

Yes, data is saved at least once every 24 hours.

Data storage

What type of data can the SmartBiobank store?

SmartBiobank can store, manage and analyze biospecimen data, clinical, experimental data (including genetic), demographic, environmental, social and lifestyle data.

How is data stored in SmartBiobank?

All data is stored as an answer to a question (questionnaire form) that was created by the user. This is true even for attached files.

How is informed consent handled in SmartBiobank?

Informed consent can be stored as an attached file. If you want it to be compulsory in a project, just mark the relevant question as required information.